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Circolo Passion

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Circolo Passion
Circolo Passion
47 votes

Located in the heart of Innsbruck, Austria, Circolo Passion is the epitome of adult leisure and pleasure. As Tyrol's largest sauna club, it offers a unique blend of relaxation and excitement, making it an intriguing spot for those seeking a break from the mundanity of everyday life. Circolo Passion is not just a sauna club; it is a haven of sensual delights. Here, you can find up to 50 attractive ladies ready to make your time worthwhile. The club's environment is casual yet stimulating, providing a perfect backdrop for memorable encounters. The club's amenities include a sauna and a whirlpool for ultimate relaxation. There's also a sun terrace for those who prefer to unwind under the open sky. Non-alcoholic drinks and a hearty buffet are included, ensuring that your physical needs are well catered to while you indulge in the club's offerings. For those seeking a more exclusive experience, Circolo Passion also operates as a VIP club. The interior is elegantly designed, reflecting the sophistication of its clientele. It offers a selection of international drinks, soul food, and top-quality gastronomy. The club is home to a diverse range of feminine beauties, from sexy girls to submissive ladies, all eloquent and classy, ready to provide a high-end experience. Circolo Passion is also notable for its commitment to health and safety, making it a trusted spot for adult entertainment. The club offers private rooms for more intimate encounters, and there's security on the premises, ensuring a safe and secure environment. Open late into the night with private parking available, Circolo Passion is an accessible haven for those seeking an unforgettable adult experience. Whether you're a budget-conscious visitor or a high-end client, Circolo Passion has something to offer everyone.

Open Hours
MON 15:00 - 02:00
TUE 15:00 - 02:00
WED 15:00 - 02:00
THU 15:00 - 02:00
FRI 15:00 - 02:00
SAT 13:00 - 03:00
SUN 13:00 - 03:00
Private Parking
Starting Prices
Begins with /
Entrance Fee
Entrance Price 85€
Grabenweg 65, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
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Reviews Overview
Overall rating
3.0 /5
Very good
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