About Porky's Bar
Welcome in the Porky`s - contact between the saddle and Schwyz. Exclusive meeting place for singles and open-minded couples. The well-kept, hospitable contact bar invites you to linger and relax for a long time. Porky's is a bar with normal prices. You will be pleased with our moderate beverage prices. With us you can still celebrate parties, without fear, it could not reach the end of the month. Enjoy your after-work beer with us and visit us once.
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#2 of 2 Nightclubs in Steinen
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map Take me there Schlagstrasse 6422, Steinen
Opening Hours
  • Monday Open 5:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Tuesday Open 5:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Wednesday Open 5:00 pm - 2:00 am
  • Thursday Open 5:00 pm - 2:00 am
  • Friday Open 5:00 pm - 2:00 am
  • Saturday Open 5:00 pm - 2:00 am
  • Sunday Open 5:00 pm - 0:00 am
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