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Top 1 Brothels in Torrefarrera, Spain

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3 reviews
country Carrer de la Marinada, s/n, 25123 Torrefarrera, Lérida, Spain
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P The ladies here chat with customers, seemingly out of fear that their boss might scold them. They act as observers in the room. They impose a fine if you stay for just 5 minutes. Once, I was with a lady who was menstruating but she did not inform me. Tearfully, she asked me not to mention this at the front desk, fearing that her boss would kick her out, as he had done to others. The level of professionalism here is nil. What I observe are women who seem exhausted from a 12-hour work shift. This could explain the poor service. The bathrooms and rooms need a thorough cleaning. Also, there is a need for courteous and attractive waitresses. I would rather visit the other place where the staff is friendly and thus, I would happily spend my money there.
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