About Empire of Passion
"Empire of passion" - the best erotic salon! We guarantee you absolute confidentiality and full face control. You can also choose the master you like. Be sure, our girls will use all their skills in order to give you unearthly heavenly pleasure. Be sure, with us you will receive a completely new shades of pleasure. Very often, men drop in on us before visiting their beloved. They know for sure that with the help of erotic massage, they will certainly be able to tune in to the necessary wave and unleash their full potential for desire. In order to liberate you, a whole range of various candles, herbs, fragrances and oils are used, which will most favorably affect your mood and physical condition. Learn more about erotic massage services .
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#7 of 9 Erotic Massages in Nizhny Novgorod
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Opening Hours
  • Monday Open open 24 hours
  • Tuesday Open open 24 hours
  • Wednesday Open open 24 hours
  • Thursday Open open 24 hours
  • Friday Open open 24 hours
  • Saturday Open open 24 hours
  • Sunday Open open 24 hours
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