About Tokyo Hentai Club
Arranging a meeting between two parties for the purpose of vaginal intercourse in exchange for financial compensation is illegal in Japan. Tokyo Hentai Club is a licensed and legally complying escort provider that operates under Japanese law thus we would appreciate your co-operation in not requesting this service when making a booking with our staff member. Our companions are compensated for their time and companionship only.
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#2 of 4 Erotic Massages in Shinjuku
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map Take me there Tokyo Hentai Club Shinjuku, 1-13-4 Kabukicho
Opening Hours
  • Monday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Tuesday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Wednesday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Thursday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Friday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Saturday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
  • Sunday Open 0:00 pm - 0:00 am
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