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How can an escort agency help me?

Let's face it, we all have needs. Why bother beating around the bush? As humans, we are all highly sexual beings. To put it bluntly, everybody has to get laid now and then. And some of us have to get laid on a weekly or even daily basis. No matter where on the spectrum your personal sex drive happens to fall, one thing remains true for all of us: there are going to be times during which we are, for one reason or another, simply unable to get laid.

Call it a dry spell if you like. Even the best pickup artists have periods where finding a sexual partner can be extremely difficult, and sometimes it just doesn't work out. That's the nature of the game, my friends. It doesn't matter your age, experience level, or how attractive you are to the opposite sex. These droughts are inevitable.

Luckily for us, though, escort agencies exist to meet a need that is as old as time itself: sexual release. That means that, so long as you have a bit of extra cash laying around, well, you never have to go through a dry spell again. Nowadays, all you have to do is call up an escort agency (or, more commonly, visit an escort agency's website) and book some time with a girl of your choosing. And, voila, just like that, you can say goodbye to ever having to spend an unwanted night alone again!

Hold on, let's back up a moment ... what is an escort agency, even?

So, what is an escort agency, exactly? Well, it is just what it sounds like. Escort agencies are businesses that hire girls who are interested in providing female companionship in exchange for money. Escort agencies are not entirely unlike modeling agencies. You browse through an agency's selection of available girls, choose your favorite, and pay for her to meet you wherever you like and do (just about) whatever you want to do.

More often than not, most guys hire escorts from an agency to have sex with them. This isn't always the case, though. In some instances, men do hire escorts to actually 'escort' them to an event. This is where the term actually comes from. Even if you do end up having sex at the end of the night, the transaction often takes place under the guise that you are paying a girl, not for prostitution, per se, but as a companion, a date (arm candy, if you will), at some sort of function or event.

This is how escort services are able to lawfully exist even in many places where prostitution is illegal. It's a sort of legal loophole that escort agencies are smart enough to make the most of. Of course, I would never advise that you partake in activities that are not 100% legal. So, if you aren't sure whether you can safely take advantage of an escort agency, I recommend doing a good deal of research first. I don't want any of my readers getting caught up on the wrong side of the law.

If you live in a country, though, wherein prostitution is not against the law in the slightest (that is most of Europe, by the way), finding the best escort agency can be a godsend. And that is precisely why I am here to try and help you search for and track down only the highest-quality escort services in the world -- because, as you could probably have guessed, much like with any other business, escort services can (and will) vary in quality quite a bit from one to the next.

By the end of this article, though, you are going to be a pro. Not only will you be able to discern a great escort business from a subpar one, but you will know exactly what to expect when patronizing an escort agency, a bit of how the business operates, how much money you can expect to pay, and how you should act and behave once you meet your escort in person ... yes, that's right, there is an etiquette that should be followed.

Then, once you know all that there is to know about the escort agency business and how to treat the girls, you can begin your search on Sex Advisor. After looking high and low all over the internet, I have compiled on this page a free list of the best escort agencies in the world. No matter where you live, I promise that you will have no issue tracking down the perfect local escort agency business for your needs. In the meantime, however, let's learn the basics. Gather 'round, everyone, escort class is officially in session!

What are the benefits of using escort agencies over hiring an independent escort?

This is a very good question, indeed, especially when you take into account the fact an escort agency, by the very nature of its being a bigger business, is almost always going to cost a little bit more than it would to simply hire a girl for her services. At the end of the day, you're paying for prostitution, right? So, why not cut out the middle man and just hire an escort directly?

Well, there are a few reasons why I tend to advocate for becoming a customer at an escort agency instead of just paying an independent person for her time. The first thing that comes to mind is quality. This pertains to the quality of the women, their services, and the business itself. One of the biggest upsides to paying a company is the sense of quality assurance that comes with it. Every escort agency wants to be the best, right? They each hope to gain more clients than the competition. Therefore, each business wants to outdo every other escort agency out there.

This results in your being able to have some of the most beautiful women in the world come straight to your house or hotel room. I promise you that I am not exaggerating one bit. Escorts that work for escort agencies tend to be, far and away, so much hotter than most women you will find advertising their independent services on random search pages around the web. These girls are gorgeous, they are fit, they are exotic, and they often offer exclusive VIP experiences that are simply unrivaled.

Plus, when you are exchanging money for goods or services with an actual company that has a vested interest in increasing and maintaining good business, there is a sense of accountability and peace of mind that comes with it. If you are unhappy with the escort services that you have received, there is somebody that you can speak with about it. There is a kind of guarantee and standard that a company or a business can provide that simply cannot be replicated by an independent service provider.

Perhaps the best reason to purchase escort services outright from a business is the fact that it keeps you shielded from some of the darker aspects that sometimes come along with the prostitution business. An escort company, for instance, isn't going to have any pimps to harass you or the girls. The business transactions all take place in an official capacity, above board. You can check prices against a comparable company website to ensure that you aren't going to be ripped off ... The list goes on and on...

Can I choose the girls that I want?

Absolutely, you can! This is probably the most exciting part of the whole process (well, aside from actually having sex with the girl you choose, of course). When you land on the website of an escort service, you will be greeted by a gallery of girls to choose from. The best agency sites will not only provide plenty of pictures, but stats, measurements, maybe a short bio for the girl, and a full list of every service that she specializes in and/or is comfortable providing. Search through the site to your heart's content. Don't take too long, though, because the girl you select has to be available!

Not only does an escort business provide you with assurance, but it also gives you a sense of diversity that you would be hard-pressed to find while conducting a search for an independent working girl -- and that you will never find from prostitutes on the streets. If redheads are your thing, you'll be able to find her thanks to an escort business. Maybe you're more into Asians or Latinas? Not a problem at all. The best escort business will make your wildest fantasies come true.

Okay, I've picked the perfect girl ... Now, how do I contact her?

This is going to vary quite a bit from business to business. Some escort services put you in direct contact with the girl, providing her phone number and instructing you to either phone or text. Others have a built-in messaging feature on their site, allowing you to message girls as you search for them.

If you want my opinion, the best company is going to be the one that takes care of everything for you, every step of the way. From the search to contact to booking, the best escort business has you covered. I always appreciate it when a company lets me message the girls directly from their website. Personally, I prefer to maintain a bit of privacy, and not having to blindly text girls (exposing my phone number) is a much better option for me.

Every once in a while, though, you may come across a company that does things the old-school way. In this case, you may not be in touch with the girl at all, not until she arrives at your door. In this case, you will simply phone the business directly and speak to a secretary who will schedule your appointment over the phone. Again, this is less common nowadays, but you should still be aware of it, nonetheless. Every business tends to do things a little bit differently.

How much should I expect to pay for my escort?

Once again, this is going to change on a company-to-company basis. Some escort services charge a top-dollar fee. Others like to position themselves as more affordable alternatives. It all depends on the quality of the escorts in question, the services that they have to offer, and what kinds of clients they are advertising to.

Some escorts can charge thousands of dollars for a night, providing all-inclusive services with very little that is off the menu. Others, however, charge by the hour with upcharges for any specifically 'taboo' or risky service, depending on what the client may want. Some charge per service. As you may expect, the price is going to be drastically different between hiring for a more standard escorting service (where she, say, accompanies you to a dinner party) versus asking for an exclusive service like anal sex or something like that.

As far as I know, though, any reputable escort company is likely to let their escorts name their prices, and then the company takes a cut of whatever the girls make. So, again, it all comes down to the service agency in question. So, before you officially become a client, it will be wise to peruse each individual service provider's menu. This will give you an idea of not only what each girl is willing to do, but how much certain activities may cost, as well as her hourly or nightly rate.

Once I pay a company for escort services, can I take my girl to dinner?

Personally, I don't find myself wanting to wine and dine an escort on top of paying her by the hour -- in my opinion, one of the reasons that I am paying is to avoid the charade of dating; if I wanted to buy a girl dinner, I would just get a girlfriend! -- but, hey, to each his own. As I mentioned before, technically speaking, you are paying a girl for her time and her company. Therefore, anything that she is down with, you can do. If that means taking her to dinner, go for it! I'm sure she will be grateful for it.

Any kind of escort company that you can think of probably exists. Some play more into the dating facade than others. Some specialize in what is known as "the girlfriend experience." Others are more transparent when it comes to getting right down to business. The trick is, once you search through my list, finding the right company for your particular needs and interests.

Is there anything else that I need to know before meeting up with my escort?

The last thing that I want to leave you with is this: always treat your lady with respect. Some guystend to think that, just because they are technically 'purchasing' an escort from a company, she is their property or something like that. Don't be that guy. Just to clarify, you are not purchasing an escort from a company. What you are purchasing from an escort company is a human being's time, companionship, and physical intimacy. Her job is to make you feel good, please have the decency to do the same in return.

If you can, make her feel special. Whether you choose to do so in between the sheets or by taking her to a nice dinner before going home together, just be kind. Just because you are spending cash for her to, ultimately, have sex with you, that doesn't give you any kind of right to be a douchebag or to treat her poorly. Just be nice to the lady.

Maybe even try to give her an orgasm before your time together is through ... just sayin'! Trust me, females love it just as much as men. Sure, at the end of the day you are a client, but don't you find that sex is better when it is mutually enjoyable anyway? Give her something that will make her excited to see you again.

Other than that, just make sure you have a good time -- that is, after all, what it's all about, isn't it? That being said, I wish you the best of luck on your search, and I sincerely hope that my list of the best escort agencies on the web helps you find exactly what you need!

Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Aura Escort
Escort Agency
Aura Escort
de Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Eden Escort
Escort Agency
Eden Escort
de München, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
ETM High Class Escort
de München, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Top Model Ecort
de Hamburg, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Passion Luxus Escort
de Oberdorla, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Escort Zurich dolls
ch Zürich, Switzerland
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort 77
Escort Agency
Escort 77
de Berlin, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Tara Hunt
ch Zürich, Switzerland
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Escort Zurich – Hillary Fisher
ch Zürich, Switzerland
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Alea Escort Agency
ch Zürich, Switzerland
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Escort Modelle Berlin
de Berlin, Germany
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Luxury Girls Escort (France)
fr La Celle-Sous-Gouzon, France
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
Escort Agency
Emma von Linné
se Göteborg, Sweden
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
White And Black Relax Sevilla
Escort Agency
White And Black Relax Sevilla
es Bormujos, Spain
All Countries