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Wildcat Ranch

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Wildcat Ranch
Wildcat Ranch
2 votes

Wild Cat is a particularly special brothel because it is grandfathered to sit right next to the highway. As far as I know, it's the only brothel in Nevada that has such a privilege. Because of this, we have lots of traffic, and we're super easy to visit. Located almost exactly between Reno and Las Vegas, you just pull off Highway 95 right into our parking lot! So even though we're "rural," you're not driving miles away down dirt roads to find us! As other people stated we are a small house, 3 girls at a time, but that's what makes the place so incredible. I literally call this place "home" and there's a reason why -- the new owner, Ron, has made it a home for both the girls and the folks who walk in the door. We don't have a lineup, nor do we need the silly "talk to a customer for ten minutes" rule. Instead, we all hang out and relax with the customers in our living room/bar area. A cozy couch and recliner to snuggle on, as well as a bar with reasonable prices --a couple bucks for beer, $4-5 for mixed drinks. The owner, a former trucker, loves to tell stories to the customers and he has a true gift of gab! Folks also like the fact that we a non-smoking house, but the porch is just steps away for cigars and cigarettes and more stories!

Open Hours
MON 24 hours a day
TUE 24 hours a day
WED 24 hours a day
THU 24 hours a day
FRI 24 hours a day
SAT 24 hours a day
SUN 24 hours a day
Private Parking
Entrance Fee
Entrance Price FREE
Highway 95A, Mina, NV 89422, United States
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Reviews Overview
Overall rating
5.0 /5
Very good
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